Is my web host using ancient servers?

DatacenterIf you suspect that your web host is using servers from 5 years ago or a decade ago. You are probably right if these conditions are true.

Your host’s site hasn’t been updated in over 3 years
If your web host’s site hasn’t been updated in a few years then this is a sign your web host may not be running the latest things. If there is no blog or recent news article available on the site then your web host is probably not updating their homepage often. If they also have a old web design or the site has a design that gives a vibe from the 1990’s or 2000 era then this a sure sign your web host is probably not using the latest servers with the best CPU or most RAM to host you.

The server specification page, network page, or datacenter page mentions Global Crossing, UUNET, MFNX, GNAP, 4 GB per server, or CentOS 6
Global Crossing, UUNET, MFNX, and GNAP are some old internet carriers that connect consumer ISPs to the greater internet. If your web host mentions any of these providers on their network page then they are either not paying attention to their site or do not care. These internet bandwidth carriers have been brought by other companies or no longer exist.

If your provider mentions using a server with 4 GB of RAM per server then this is a sure sign your web host is using ancient servers. If your web host mentions CentOS version 6 or less then they are mentioning an operating system from over 6 years ago.

Your disk space is less than 2 GB
Unless you chose to buy the lightest web hosting package available then this is a sign your web host is using an ancient server. Most shared web hosting plans today have at least 5 to 10 GB of disk space and a lot of bandwidth.