Category: Guides

Web hosting contracts

When it comes to signing up for web hosting. Some web hosts may require a long term commitment. When signing up for a new web hosting account. The web hosting provider may not provide any information upfront that you have to provide 15 days, 30 days, or even 3 months notice in advance before you […]

Pay for web hosting by the week

If you need to purchase web hosting and want to pay by the weeks instead of by the month. You will need to contact your web hosting provider and work out an arrangement with them. Most small web hosting outfits will make reasonable accommodations if you have a reason why you want to pay by […]

Using Western Union to pay for your web hosting

Yes, there are web hosting providers that will accept Western Union as a form of payment. Typically small web hosting outfits will be more accomodating versus a larger corporation. Some web hosts may consider Western Union payments as more time consuming to process. Collecting a Western Union payment versus depositing a check or money order […]

Non-technical: OpenVZ vs. KVM

Depending on what kind of website you are hosting the choice between KVM vs. OpenVZ can make a difference. Most KVM VPS plans cost a little more than OpenVZ. OpenVZ plans are often cheaper when compared to KVM plans. The main difference between OpenVZ and KVM is that KVM resources are isolated. If a web […]