My web host has removed their forum

Forum iconsQuestion: Why did my web host remove their community forum?
Answer: You will have to ask your web host for their answer to his question. We can provide some theories on why your web host may of decided to delete their community forum.

1. Lack of engagement

Your web host may of had a message board running for months or years now but there may of not been a lot of stuff happening on the forum. There may of not been a lot of topics or the membership count was not high. Your web host may of decided to remove their message board, to not give off an impression that your web host has no customers or that that message board is a ghost town.

2. Too many questions that belong in a support ticket

Your web host may of decided to close down the message board because there were too many topics that belonged in a support ticket and not a forum thread. Your web host may of thought that some of the technical or account specific questions belonged in a support ticket instead of being posted out in public view. The web host may of had too many employees spending their time answering questions on the forum.

3. Your web host does want to interact with customers

The web host may of decided that less direct interaction between customers and its employees was the way forward. A change in marketing or support policies with your web host may of resulted in the closure of the forum.