3 uses for a cheap dedicated server

DatacenterWhat are some good uses for a cheap dedicated server? A cheap dedicated server that doesn’t need 99.9999% uptime?

Adding storage on the cheap

If you are already using a VPS or have a dedicated server and need more storage. If the option to add additional storage to your VPS or dedicated server costs more than ordering a cheap dedicated server from another web host. You should consider ordering a cheap dedicated server if it will save you more money instead of ordering additional space from your existing web host. A bonus is you would be getting some extra computing power with your additional hard drive space if you choose a cheap dedicated server.

A server for strictly testing

If you need a server just for testing and development than a cheap dedicated server may do the trick. A cheap dedicated can cost less than $50 dollars per month and save you some money that can be spent on quality production servers. The computing power or memory may be limited because of the low price tag but the server will be usable.

Redundant backup server

A cheap dedicated server can also act as a great redundant backup server. Just make sure the cheap dedicated server you order is housed in a different datacenter than your production servers. This redundant backup server can be used to backup files offsite or can be on stand by to be used if your main server goes offline for any reason.