When is FreeBSD 11.0 coming out?

ServerQuestion: When is FreeBSD 11 going to be released?

Answer: There is no clear date yet when FreeBSD 11 will be released. It is expected that FreeBSD 11.0-RC3 will be released sometime in the near future before the actual 11.0 version is released to the public.

As of today only FreeBSD 11.0-RC2 is available. It is expected that there will be a RC3 released and sometime after RC3 is released. The actual finalized 11.0 release will be set. Until RC3 is made, there is no set date available for when FreeBSD 11.0 final will be released. The 11.0 released appears to be running behind schedule due to some unexpected bugs and other issues.

UPDATE: The new date is now September 28, 2016