Should I host my own videos or use YouTube?

Video filmQuestion: Should I host my own videos or use YouTube to host the videos?

Answer: If you have a fast dedicated server with a lot of bandwidth available than you should be okay to host the videos yourself. If you don’t have a fast dedicated server with a lot of free bandwidth available than you should consider having YouTube host your videos for you.

Public videos

If the video you plan to host will be viewable by the public than using YouTube to host the video should be no issue. Videos by default that are uploaded to YouTube are viewable by the general public.

Share private videos on YouTube

You can limit who can view your videos on YouTube. There are settings available that will allow you to invite select users with accounts on YouTube to view the video. You can also limit the views of videos you upload to only those who know the video’s address. The video should not appear on searches so only those who know the link can view it.

Total control of video viewership

To totally control who can view your videos. You should host the videos on your own dedicated server with a lot of bandwidth. If your server does not have a lot of bandwidth available than you will likely hit your bandwidth limit very quickly if your video is viewed a lot of times.

You should get a server with a fast port and unmetered bandwidth. This will help prevent you from accuring bandwidth overage fees. You will also have to setup a system to display the videos you upload to the server so that only people that you want to view your videos can view them.